© Kevin Corby Bowyer 2024
Kevin Corby Bowyer - writer
© Kevin Bowyer 2024
Character lists for Babylon House and Cadmun Gale Character lists for Dancing while we may Back to main page
Character lists My novel sequence, Dancing while we may , is a pastoral saga spread over many generations. The characters have ancestors, descendants, relations and friends spreading out like ripples in a pond. Consequently, there are lots of names; there’s no escaping it particularly in the case of Cadmun Gale, whose progeny is almost as plentiful as stalks in a hayrick. It isn’t necessary for the reader to keep track of all the people, any more than it’s necessary to fix in mind every tree when walking through a forest. The intention is that the reader builds up a sense of perspective on the journey, recognising those characters who gather in the narrative’s foreground, allowing the others to perform in the background the middle or far distance. A multi-layered tapestry should result, the principal players acting their roles against a backdrop of daily life. As for those passages in the early part of Cadmun Gale in which Eliza introduces Leafy to Gale genealogy the reader isn’t expected to remember all those names any more than poor Leafy can. It’s not a memory test; what’s important is the reader’s awareness of the growing friendship between Leafy and Eliza, and of the latter’s fizzy sense of humour. Eliza’s having a good time confusing the new girl and she’d no doubt be equally delighted at the befuddled reader. But some readers will want to follow the various lineages and connections. Indeed, a study of them may even add detail to aspects of the unfolding narrative. Most of the individual novels have character lists added as appendices, but for ease of reference they’re drawn together in these free-to-download documents. There are pretty pictures too. The lists for Babylon House and Cadmun Gale are offered separately from the others for two reasons: first, the action in the two said books taking place largely in Somerset and Cornwall, only a very few characters are shared between these and the other novels; secondly, Kip Gale’s family is so vast that it warrants a document all of its own. Download at will – and have fun! Kevin Corby Bowyer, Muirkirk, January 20, 2024